Maltese Training Tips to Avoid Small Dog Syndrome

Beautiful White Maltese Dog for photoshoot

Do you think that a dog as small and as cute as the maltese needs maltese training? The answer is definitely yes! Apart from physical appearance, many people opt for toy or lap dogs because of the belief that smaller dogs are easier to handle than larger ones. They believe that smaller dogs need less food, less exercise and less training. But the fact is, regardless of the breed, size or age, dogs need appropriate training in order for them to become pleasant companions.

More often, people are captivated by the small breed's "cute factor" that they took for granted the need for maltese training. But believing that a maltese does not need training because he looks cute and is apparently harmless is one big mistake a dog owner can make. Training is important in preventing various issues such as small dog syndrome.

Small dog syndrome is a behavior issue that is common among small dogs like maltese. More often than not, this behavior stems from the owner who allows his four-legged companion to be in control. Not that the owner purposely wants the pet to be the boss but this behavior occurs to small dogs who are always pampered and are often allowed to get away from their mistakes because of the belief that everything they do, pleasant or not, is part of being cute.

This problem should be dealt with accordingly else you will have to succumb to a small dog that jumps on you or growls at you every time you come near his properties. Leaving this problem to get worse may be the reason for turning over your pet to rescue shelters and volunteer groups. But fortunately, proper maltese training can help you alleviate the problem.

Train and treat your maltese the same way you would treat his larger relatives. Set limitations and implement these limitations and rules strictly and consistently. Correct him for every undesirable behavior to make it clear to him that he cannot get away from anything by just looking pitiful and cute.

Part of the maltese training to avoid or alleviate small dog syndrome is to discourage him from barking without any reasons, jumping up on people, chewing on anything other than his toys and growling or snapping to whoever comes near him or his properties. You should also make it clear to him that you are the pack leader by being confident when taking control of the situation.

Solving a dog problem is not necessarily the work of a dog expert with years of experience working with dogs. Even if you are a newbie dog owner, you surely can raise a well-behaved dog by consistently making things right from the first time he steps into your home.

Small dog syndrome is a behavior issue that is common obviously, among small dogs like the maltese. More often than not, this behavior occurs because of the owner who allows his four-legged companion to be in control.


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